What I like about rivers is…
...You can´t step in the same river twice.
Well hello!
Well hello!
How is everyone doing up north? We had a
pretty fair week this week. We had a conference for the Hermanas which is
always fun. we spent the whole day practicing pretty much and got home at like
830 after leaving at 530 in the morning because it was a few hours away. we
also went to 2 different baptisms of other districts. We have close to no
lessons this week but we worked a lot with menos activos. i think we are going
to put a bigger focus on them because there are so so so many here! every one
we contact ¨hi we´re missionaries...¨ÿa i know i´m a member¨ öhh...¨¨
haha. we have also put a lot of time into trying to figure out how we can apply
plan alma to our ward because it´s too small to have 4 missionaries so we
thought maybe 6 missionaries between the two wards and one companionship can
work on the menos activos but the problem is that there are more menos activos
than investigators. but we are going to try to focus on our menos activos
because if we can strengthen the ward and strengthen all of these memebers to
actually be members during the week they can set a better example for everyone
else and we will be able to find more people to teach. I would say the biggest
problem with menos activos is that they have seen the members doing something
that they shouldn´t or they complain aboutthe bishop. who is amazing by the
Remember that people are always watching you and most
importantly people are always listening to you to. Even back home, those frieds
i have that have left the church or young women that stopped coming is because
they heard their young women leaders saying things about them. Remember that
everyone is a child of God and as hard as it is to not say anything bad ever,
your few words could take away someones salvacion so....
okay so my hands are freezing. just like they were at home. i
dont´feel it but it´s really funny cause seriously every person i shake hands
with says something about it. and let´s just say i shake hands with a lot of
people. haha. they also think it´s funny that they turn different colors. their
skin never changes color. wierd huh? does anyone else in the family have this
´Well. I best be going! Love you so much!!!!!! REALLY It¨S
Hermana VandeMerwe
so i guess i have a few minutes so i´ll tell
you this story. while we were at the sisters conference i was sitting at a
table with gringas so that was fun cause i could understnad the funny things
lol. anyways there is this sister that kindof reminds me of the girl that we
read the blog. she was talking about her grandparents serving in new jersy or
something and said ¨¨ya my grandma told me ´the missionaries here all have
their smart phones and now they´re just waiting for their... tablets.¨ with an
enphises of disgust on the ¨tablets¨lol ¨and i´m like, please. sometimes i
don´t even have shoes to wear.¨
LOL. another sister added ¨seriously. my biggest concern is if i
have enough gas to last through the day¨
Haha!! it was really funny. probably more funny if you were
there. and don´t worry i have shoes and gas. and we´re apparently getting that
stuff in january so that will totally change the mission. really it would be a
COMPLETE different mission with thtat. different way of teaching. different
planning and so much more!ç
okay gtg bye!