Tuesday, May 28, 2002

May 20

This week has been really good. We found a lot of new investigators and we have 2 in line for baptism that came to church along with some others! Yay! I´m so excited. They should be baptized on the 8th-Alejandro & Leila. I don´t know if I told you about them. 
Thanks for celebrating my birthday! I had a really great day! The Hermanas in my house sang to me in the morning and my companion made me hot chocolate which i haven´t had since i´ve been home and it´s like my favorite thing in the whole world!! right next to the stars and the beach. These three things just make my heart melt. If you have hot chocolate you know everything is going to be just fine and every night I look up at the stars and remember that my Heavenly Father loves me and then goodness the ocean and the sound of roaring waves could bring tears to my eyes. So just wait... After my hot chocolate we went to church. I could understand quite a bit probably my birthday present from the spirit and they anounced my birthday in sacrament haha! and then we had a great meat and potato meal (it´s common we have it a lot but still my favorite) and then of course the best dessert i´ve had since i´ve been here. peaches and cream. and then we did a attack of zone where our entire zone went to one sector that was struggling and just let the fire burn and then they all sang to me and then I came home to a wondeful package with a way cute star necklace so i can always have the stars with me! Thanks! I love it! and the elastic as well! The party supplies was just perfect too! and so today-pday. Guess what we did? Went to the beach! AH! Angels singing. The elders brought a gril and we had hot dogs --a type any way-better-- and played some soccer. and on the way here to the internet cafe my companion and I got a characature. haha! Why not. 
If we have time today I might go buy a hair dryer and some gloves! 

Love you all so much! Let me know whatj´s going on! 
Sunshine in my soul,

Hermana VandeMerwe

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